
What's the number one excuse people make for not fitting exercise into their weight loss program$%:

"I don't have time!"

Yet to get fitter and help a little with your weight loss efforts you only need three sessions a week of about 30 minutes (a mere 90 minutes out of the 10,000 or so you have available).


When you look at it more closely, however, the main problem seems to be that taking exercise can soak up a lot more time in practice.

There's the time needed to get all your things together, the time to drive to the gym, the time to shower and the time to get home again - and all that on top of your 30 minutes workout time. It can end up cutting into your whole day or evening.

No wonder we tend to think that we're just too busy these days to make exercise part of our every day lives and weight loss efforts. If you have a hectic lifestyle then it's hard to see where the time will come from.

Any posts:

If you can't seem to find any time to exercise you can do quite a lot to help your general health and fitness and burn some calories by being more active during the course of your day. Follow all the tips about using the restroom which is furthest from your desk, taking the stairs rather than the elevator and parking as far away from the front door as you can.

But if you want to make a significant change to your fitness levels and increase the calories you burn, you will need some longer exercise sessions and it's worth looking for ways to fit that into your schedule.

So how do you fit 30 minutes of exercise into a busy lifestyle$%:

1. Use Your Lunchtime

If you can get away from your work for at least 30 minutes you can raise your heart levels and burn some calories by going for a brisk walk at midday and still have time to eat lunch at your desk.

On some days, if there's a gym close to your office, you could try a short session there. Instead of using the aerobic equipment head for the toning machines and work on a different part of your body each day. You'll firm up without breaking too much of a sweat (and probably won't need to shower).

Whatever exercise you take you'll return to work completely refreshed and ready to hit the road running - well ahead of your co-workers who will be suffering a post lunch slump.

2. Take the Kids

If you find it hard to exercise because you have children, get them involved. Walk them in the stroller if they are young enough or take them to the park and run about with them - you have probably forgotten how much energy children use in play and the fresh air will be good for all of you. It really doesn't matter what the weather is like (try puddle-jumping in the rain!) as long as you wear the right clothes and keep to shady areas and wear sunscreen if it's hot. Anything that gets you all moving and having fun will help.

If that does not give you a hard enough workout (or your kids are beyond puddle-jumping) try and arrange a babysitter three times a week so that you can fit in the exercise you need for your own well-being. You can even swap with another mom if you can't afford to pay for this.

3. Walk don't Drive

See every shopping trip or visit to the bank as an opportunity for getting more exercise and walk there if you can. This makes every errand a way of killing off two birds with one stone - you fit in some exercise at the same time as ticking something off your "to do" list. Just 15 minutes there and back of brisk walking and you have clocked up your 30 minutes. Plus it's amazing how many ideas and solutions come to you while you are walking - it may turn out to be the most productive part of your day.

4. Drop In on Your Way

Save time by combining getting ready for work or for a night out with a session at the gym. Drop into the gym in the morning before work or on your way for a night on the town and use your gym's facilities afterwards to get ready. Take your work or party clothes to the gym and after your shower you can do your hair and make-up there. And you'll feel great too.

5. Start Early

The earlier in the day you plan an exercise session the easier it is to fit in. If you work out first thing in the morning you get it over with before life has time to get in the way. So get your workout clothes ready the night before, set your alarm and get it done before the rest of the family are up and about. You'll feel virtuous all day.

You don't even have to leave your house if you don't want to - there are so many good exercise DVDs around and there's even enough easy-to-store exercise equipment now available for a full body workout at home.

Copyright 2007, Janice Elizabeth Small

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